Bambu Lab P1P 3D Printer Review: An Affordable Speed Demon for Beginners

Bambu Lab P1P 3D Printer Review An Affordable Speed Demon for Beginners

The Bambu Lab P1P is an affordable desktop 3D printer geared towards beginners looking to get into 3D printing without breaking the bank. Launched through Kickstarter in 2021, the P1P raised over $2 million from backers impressed by its combination of speed, quality, and price.

Now available for purchase on the Bambu Lab website for $429, the P1P stands out in the competitive entry-level segment with its 100mm/s print speeds and generous build volume of 280 x 240 x 205 mm. But does this speed demon deliver on quality and reliability? Read on for a detailed review of the capabilities, pros, cons, and ideal use cases of the Bambu Lab P1P 3D printer.

Overview of the Bambu Lab P1P 3D Printer

  • Launch Date: August 2021 (Kickstarter), March 2022 (General Availability)
  • Print Technology: FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication)
  • Build Volume: 280 x 240 x 205 mm
  • Layer Resolution: 50-300 microns
  • Filament Compatibility: 1.75mm PLA, PETG, TPU, Bambu Lab Nylon
  • Connectivity: WiFi, USB, USB thumb drive
  • Dimensions: 420 x 420 x 420 mm
  • Weight: 15 kg

Notable Features

  • High print speeds up to 100mm/s
  • Direct drive extruder
  • Single body construction for rigidity
  • Bambu Studio slicer software with profiles optimized for P1P
  • Tool changing hotend for multi-material prints
  • AI-powered camera for print monitoring
  • Full color touchscreen interface

Unboxing and Setup of the P1P

Unboxing the P1P reveals an elegantly designed 3D printer with an all-black aesthetic. All parts come neatly packed with molded foam inserts. Setup took around 30 minutes, with clear instructions provided in the box.

The well-constructed metal frame of the P1P gives it a sturdy feel that should withstand the high speeds and accelerations of everyday printing. Assembly mostly consists of attaching the vertical rods, gantry, and print bed using hex keys. Wire management is excellent with multiple attachment points for clipping in cables securely.

Levelling the heated print bed is easy thanks to the assisted leveling menu on the color touchscreen interface. The whole process is automated with on-screen instructions to gradually turn the knobs under the bed at certain points until it’s perfectly trammed.

Loading filament also has an assisted option where the printer controls the extruder and asks you to insert the filament until it loads fully. Small conveniences like this in both hardware and software make the initial setup smooth for beginners.

Print Quality, Speed, and Reliability

Print quality on the P1P is impressive for a sub-$500 machine, producing detailed prints with good dimension accuracy. The 0.4mm nozzle, 50-micron layer resolution, and direct drive extruder allow the P1P to print fine details and achieve vertical overhangs well.

Of course, dialing in profiles specifically for your filament choice will help maximize quality. But the bundled Bambu Studio profiles provide an excellent starting point with balanced speed and quality presets.

Where the P1P really shines is with print speed. The 100mm/sec maximum speed is roughly 2-3x faster than entry-level competitors. Acceleration is also excellent at 2000mm/s2 allowing quick direction changes.

In PLA, print times can be reduced by 50% or more versus standard speeds. More delicate materials like TPU can benefit from slower profiles, but it’s remarkable to see a sub-$500 printer able to run this fast with decent reliability once calibrated properly.

There are some compromises at high speeds – slight ringing, vibrations, and loss of ultra-fine details being common. But for prototypes and functional prints, the speed increase is valuable. Just be prepared to slow it down for critical prints.

Overall reliability is decent for a new entry-level machine. The single body frame is rock solid and able to handle the high speeds. Vibrations can be an issue on larger prints, so proper installation to reduce resonance is a must. The auto bed levelling compensates well for a flexible steel platform.

There are still some quirks though that reflects the early nature of the printer. Filament runouts can jam up if not caught early. Some users experience inconsistent extrusion and nozzle clogs that require firmware updates to fix. But Bambu Lab seems responsive to issues and provides good troubleshooting support.

Ease of Use

Ease of use is a high point for the P1P thanks to thoughtful hardware design and software that streamlines the experience for beginners.

Physically, the printer is simple to maintain and tinker with. The control box swings open to access the electronics. Filament loading is toolless and easy with the direct drive extruder. And there’s adequate space inside to get your hands in for adjustments and upgrades down the line.

But where it really shines is the software and interface. The full color touchscreen makes navigation intuitive. All the settings you need are easily accessible through the menus or handy on-screen widgets. And there are options for guided bed leveling, filament loading/unloading, and more.

Bambu Studio is an easy to use slicer based on Cura. It has starter profiles optimized for the P1P and explains settings in simple terms vs the typical cryptic names. The AI-powered camera lets you remotely monitor prints and automatically pauses if issues are detected.

Overall, the P1P does an excellent job at abstracting away the complexities of 3D printing. Beginners can get up and running quickly with the guided features. But as you gain experience, there’s still plenty of room to dive into custom settings and optimize for different filaments and print jobs.

Print Size Versatility

The build volume of 280 x 240 x 205 mm puts the P1P on the larger side of entry-level printers. This allows printing of medium to large models and multiple smaller pieces in one go.

Printable areas of at least 200 x 200 x 200 mm are recommended for versatility in this price range. So the extra height on the P1P is valuable for models that require more vertical space like vases and busts.

Common prints like mini figurines, mechanical parts, cosplay props, hobby items, and more will fit well with room to spare. Just don’t expect industry-leading capacities catered towards mass production or huge cosplay costumes in one piece.

For beginners, it’s an ideal size to explore printing a wide range of objects without feeling limited by build area. And the speed allows churning out multiples fast once dialed in. Those needing bigger prints can simply split models across multiple smaller prints.

Materials Compatibility

The P1P aimed for versatility in materials from the start so beginners can experiment with different filament properties. Here’s an overview of how it handles some of the most common materials:

PLA – Prints extremely well on the P1P. Low warping, good adhesion to the steel sheet, and the cooled build chamber prevent issues with PLA. Great detail and low stringing are possible at the right temps.

PETG – Another workhorse material on the P1P. PETG can stick too well without interface agents, so blue painter’s tape helps. Easy to print nicely once dialed in.

TPU – A basic direct drive extruder isn’t perfect for flexible filaments, but the P1P can manage at slower speeds with upgraded TPU profiles. Dry filament is a must.

Bambu Lab Nylon – A custom nylon filament formulated specifically for the P1P. Printing nylon usually requires an enclosure which the P1P lacks, but this custom blend allows printing nylon parts with good layer adhesion and reduced warping.

ABS/ASA – Materials like ABS that are prone to warping are challenging without an enclosure which the P1P lacks. But printing ABS is possible with some warping if ambient temps are warm and drafts are minimized.

The ability to print PLA, PETG, TPU right off the bat makes this versatile for beginners who want to test different materials. Nylon compatibility is impressive if you purchase Bambu Lab’s custom blend. Overall a great mix of beginner-friendly and advanced materials are printable here.

Should You Buy the Bambu Lab P1P 3D Printer?

The P1P hits a sweet spot of price, print speed, and quality that makes it an extremely compelling option for beginners entering 3D printing or hobbyists looking to upgrade from a more basic machine.

Should You Buy the Bambu Lab P1P 3D Printer

Pros of the P1P:

  • Very affordable at $429 retail price
  • Best-in-class print speeds up to 100mm/s
  • High quality prints with 0.4mm nozzle and 50 micron resolution
  • Large 280 x 240 x 205 mm build volume
  • Tool changing extruder allows multi-material capability
  • Guided bed leveling and filament loading for beginners
  • Bambu Studio slicer optimized for P1P with starter profiles

Cons to Consider:

  • Noisy at high speeds without quieting modifications
  • Can experience ghosts/ringing at max speeds
  • Not fully enclosed, so warping materials like ABS are challenging
  • Bed adhesion can be problematic with some filaments
  • Still working out some quirks with extrusion consistency

Ultimately if you want an affordable 3D printer optimized for speed, with quality and ease of use far exceeding the price, the Bambu Lab P1P is an excellent choice with noticeable advantages over competitors.

Beginners will appreciate the intuitive interface, guided features, and profiles tailored for this printer in Bambu Studio. Intermediates can take advantage of the high speeds for rapid prototyping. And the strong community support helps troubleshoot any issues.

For those with experience and a bit more budget, a printer with an enclosure and more reliability may be recommended. But with proper setup and calibration, the P1P punches far above its weight class while still keeping this technology accessible for new users.