Get Creative with a Voxelab 3D Printer on a Budget

Get Creative with a Voxelab 3D Printer on a Budget

3D printing technology has come a long way in recent years, with prices dropping significantly on entry-level machines. One brand leading the way in affordable desktop 3D printing is Voxelab, with their lineup of feature-packed printers that won’t break the bank.

In this guide, we’ll take a close look at Voxelab’s 3D printer offerings, including the:

  • Voxelab Aquila
  • Voxelab Aquila X2
  • Voxelab Aquila S2
  • Voxelab Aquila C2

We’ll cover the key specs, capabilities, and real-world performance of these printers, so you can decide if a Voxelab machine is the right budget 3D printer for your needs. Let’s dive in!

Overview of Voxelab 3D Printers

Voxelab launched in 2019 as a brand of VOCELL, a Chinese manufacturer of 3D printing equipment. Voxelab’s focus is on delivering inexpensive yet capable desktop 3D printers for beginners and hobbyists.

The company’s lineup covers both FDM (fused deposition modeling) and SLA (stereolithography) technologies. Their FDM machines use fused filament fabrication, where plastic filament is melted and deposited layer by layer to build a model. The SLA printers utilize a UV laser to selectively cure resin into solid objects.

Most Voxelab printers retail between $150-$400, making them some of the most affordable options in their respective categories. They offer good build volumes, fast print speeds, and compatibility with common software and materials.

Voxelab Aquila – A Budget Workhorse

The Voxelab Aquila is one of the brand’s most popular introductory FDM 3D printers. Released in late 2020, the Aquila delivers substantial performance and features for a minimal cost. It frequently ranks as one of the top value picks for beginner printing.

Specs and Capabilities

  • Print Technology: FDM (fused filament fabrication)
  • Build Volume: 220 x 220 x 250 mm
  • Layer Resolution: 0.1 mm
  • Print Speed: Up to 80 mm/s
  • Filament Types: PLA, ABS, TPU, Wood, etc.
  • Connectivity: microSD card, USB
  • Dimensions: 435 x 435 x 465 mm
  • Weight: ~8 kg

The Aquila comes in kit form, requiring user assembly. However, the process is straightforward enough for beginners with the included tools and instructions. Leveling the print bed may take some patience but isn’t overly difficult.

Once built, the Aquila has a sturdy metal frame and appealing design aesthetics. It utilizes the popular Bowden extruder system and includes a flexible removable print surface. Dual cooling fans help reduce warping and improve overhangs.

Out of the box, the Aquila can print common materials like PLA, ABS, TPU, and wood/bronze PLA composites. A filament runout sensor pauses printing automatically if filament runs out.

The Aquila has average resolution and speed for its class. Prints demonstrate good detail and dimensional accuracy when properly calibrated. Print quality won’t match more expensive machines but exceeds expectations for the price.

Performance and Ease of Use

In reviews and real-world use, the Voxelab Aquila consistently impresses with its capabilities relative to its low cost. It provides a large 220 x 220 x 250 mm build area for the price, letting users print bigger objects. The open frame design also means high prints are achievable.

The Aquila is suitable for complete beginners but does require some initial set up and calibration. Once dialed in, it can produce quality prints with minimal fuss. Filament loads easily and the user interface is simple. Adding upgraded springs helps stability and consistency of the print bed over time.

Print quality meets or exceeds results from competitors like the Ender 3 series when tuned properly. Out of the box, you may experience typical new user issues like stringing, poor bed adhesion, and suboptimal bridging. However, the Aquila community provides guidance to resolve these quickly.

For around $200, the Aquila delivers impressive capabilities. While not flawless, it lets beginners achieve successful prints without much hassle or expense. Detailed documentation and videos provide support during the learning process.

Voxelab Aquila X2 – Upgraded Features

Later in 2021, Voxelab released the Aquila X2 as an enhanced successor to the original Aquila. It takes the same proven formula but upgrades various aspects of the design.

Hardware Improvements

The Aquila X2 provides a sturdier metal frame, redesigned extruder, and AC heated print bed for faster heating. It also adds an LCD color screen, silent mainboard fans, and padded Z-axis guides.

Users particularly appreciate the flexible spring steel print bed with PEI surface. This grabs onto filament extremely well for the first layer, reducing headaches with poor adhesion.

Dual Z-axis lead screws improve gantry stability for more consistent print quality. The larger 4.3″ touchscreen simplifies calibration and file management. Under the hood improvements enhance reliability over time.

How It Compares to the Original Aquila

In practice, the Aquila X2 improves upon the already capable formula of the Aquila. It reduces vibrations for cleaner prints, especially at higher speeds. The spring steel bed practically eliminates adhesion issues once properly leveled.

The Aquila X2 costs around $50-$100 more than the basic Aquila. For hobbyists who can afford the bump in price, the upgrades provide a noticeably more refined printing experience. Improvements to components make the hardware feel more premium.

For beginners on a tighter budget, the original Aquila remains an excellent value choice. It still delivers quality results with a small learning curve. However, the Aquila X2 provides a compelling step up for those able to stretch their dollars.

Voxelab Aquila X2 - Upgraded Features

Voxelab Aquila S2 – Larger Format Dual Extruder

Seeking a bigger build area and flexibility of dual extruders? Enter the Voxelab Aquila S2. Launched in late 2022, the S2 provides larger format printing plus mixing capabilities at a low price point.

Key Specs

  • Build Volume: 300 x 300 x 350 mm
  • Dual Nozzle Design: Mix materials and colors
  • Touch Color Screen: Intuitive interface
  • High Temp Nozzle: Handles exotic filaments
  • WiFi Connectivity: Print wirelessly

With its substantial 11.8 x 11.8 x 13.8″ build volume, the S2 can tackle bigger models. The independent dual nozzle design allows printing with two colors or materials for advanced applications. It includes the capable second generation Voxelab mainboard.

Dual Z-axis lead screws deliver stability across the larger print bed. The high temperature nozzle reaches 275°C for printing filaments like ABS. Conveniences like the color touchscreen and WiFi add to the value.

Performance and Use Cases

Early reviews praise the Aquila S2’s blend of large, dual extruder printing at an entry-level cost. Print quality meets expectations for its price point. Dual Z-axis prevents sagging across the wider Y-axis gantry.

The sturdy frame and capable cooling provide reliable extended prints. Dual 5015 fans keep overhangs neat when using PLA and similar filaments. The auto-leveling sensor erases most bed leveling frustration.

Ideal uses for the S2 include:

  • Large models that exceed standard print bed sizes
  • Multi-material prints like mechanical parts
  • Multi-color models for visual appeal
  • Soluble supports for complex geometries
  • Dissolvable filaments for mold casting or other applications

For under $500, the Aquila S2 opens up dual extrusion capabilities to beginners. With patience calibrating the gantry and leveling, it delivers on its potential for larger and more versatile printing.

Aquila C2 – Voxelab’s First Resin 3D Printer

Thus far we’ve focused on Voxelab’s FDM printers. But in early 2022 they launched their first foray into resin 3D printing with the Aquila C2 SLA printer.

High Resolution resin printing

Unlike fused filament printing, SLA utilizes a pool of UV-curable photopolymer resin. A light source selectively cures the resin layer by layer until the model is complete.

The Aquila C2 uses LCD-based mask stereolithography. This projects a 2K HD image through the LCD screen to cure each layer of resin with precision.

Key specs:

  • Build Volume: 165 x 165 x 185 mm
  • XY Resolution: 2560 x 1620 pixels
  • Layer Resolution: 0.01-0.15mm
  • Resin Compatibility: 405nm standard resins
  • Integrated Carbon Filter – Reduces fumes

With up to 2560 x 1620 pixel XY resolution, the Aquila C2 produces extremely detailed prints. Minimum layer heights down to 0.01mm allow for fine precision suitable for miniatures and jewelry.

The UV LED light source provides consistent curing times across the build area. An integrated carbon filter helps reduce fumes from the photopolymer resin.

Resin Printing Performance

Comparative reviews find the Aquila C2 matches or exceeds the print quality of other budget resin printers. Fine details come out clean and sharp. Minimal supports are needed during printing.

The built-in UV light source provides respectable cure times without compromise. Some users apply additional modifications like a flexible steel ball VAT film or silicone gaskets for easy model removal.

While the resin printing process involves more post-processing like washing and curing, the Aquila C2 itself is easy to use out of the box. The print preparation workflow is straightforward. The 2K LCD panel enables superb print resolution.

For hobbyists seeking an affordable entry into high detail resin printing, the Aquila C2 is a compelling option with impressive performance for the price.

What Owners Are Saying

Across reviews and forums, Voxelab printers receive praise for their capabilities relative to their reasonable pricing. Here’s what actual owners say about using their Voxelab 3D printers:

“I can’t believe the print quality from the Aquila, especially for such an inexpensive machine. Prints come out smooth and detailed better than I expected. Very impressed!”

“The Aquila X2 improved on everything I loved about my original Aquila. Sturdier frame, flexible bed, nicer interface – made the upgrade worthwhile for me as a hobbyist. Prints have been top notch.”

“For larger multi-material prints, the Aquila S2 has been a workhorse. To get dual extrusion at this price point is awesome. Just took a bit more calibration but now I’m printing some great stuff with it.”

“Resin printing on the Aquila C2 has taken my mini printing to the next level. Amazing fine detail, easy to get great results once you dial in your resin settings. Destroys FDM for small decorative pieces.”

While requiring some initial tweaking, most owners find Voxelab printers reliable and capable once dialed in. The price-to-performance ratio draws consistent praise. Technical support from the company and active community help overcome any growing pains.

Is a Voxelab 3D Printer Right for You?

Voxelab printers aim to make 3D printing more accessible for beginners by delivering robust functionality at budget-friendly price points.

They offer a great entry point for hobbyists to experience a variety of 3D printing technologies from FDM to SLA. Print quality won’t match premium machines but exceeds expectations for the cost.

For those new to 3D printing that want to get their feet wet without a huge investment, Voxelab machines are worthy of consideration. Their capabilities and community support allow first-timers to learn the ropes and have success with minimal frustration.

While requiring some initial tweaking, Voxelab printers provide the right blend of value, features and print abilities to fuel your creativity. If you’re ready to start 3D printing without breaking the bank, a Voxelab Aquila, Aquila X2, Aquila S2 or Aquila C2 will enable you to turn your ideas into physical reality.