Get Crystal Clear Prints with Transparent PLA Filament

Get Crystal Clear Prints with Transparent PLA Filament

3D printing with clear filament can produce stunning translucent models that show off your design’s intricate internal geometry. While many plastics can be made optically transparent, clear PLA has become a popular choice for its ease of printing, low warp, and glossy finish.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get successful prints with see-through PLA, from choosing the right filament to dialing in your print settings. With the right techniques, you can create clear parts that look like glass!

What is Clear PLA?

PLA (polylactic acid) is one of the most common materials for desktop FDM/FFF 3D printing. Made from renewable cornstarch, PLA is appreciated for its low warping, limited smell, and biodegradability.

While natural PLA tends to be opaque, clear PLA filaments allow light to pass through unimpeded. This is achieved by carefully controlling the polymerization process and using purified materials to minimize imperfections and cloudiness.

Clear PLA retains the familiar properties of regular PLA, along with some advantages:

  • High optical clarity shows off intricate details
  • Crisp edges and glossy surface finish
  • Easy to print at low temperatures
  • Low tendency to warp on the bed
  • Sharp corners and fine features

The transparency comes at a tradeoff with strength – clear PLA can be more brittle than opaque versions. But for display models and decorative pieces, the crystal clear appearance is often worth it.

Choosing a Clear PLA Filament

When selecting a transparent PLA for your project, you’ll want to consider:

  • Clarity – The most optically pure filaments will have a water-clear transparency, like glass. Lower clarity can appear hazy or cloudy.
  • Color – Many clear filament brands offer tinted transparent colors like red, blue, yellow. The dye reduces clarity somewhat.
  • Surface Finish – Some clear filaments have an extra glossy sheen, while others are more matte when printed.
  • Strength – Depending on additives and processing, clear PLA’s layer adhesion can vary. Check reviews for fragility issues.
  • Reputation – Established filament companies tend to have better quality control. Read user reviews for specific products.

Higher clarity and properties come at a price – expect to pay $25-35 or more for premium clear PLA brands. Some popular options include:

  • Fillamentum PLA Crystal Clear – Considered an industry leader for optical purity, surface finish, and layer bonding. Produces extremely see-through prints.
  • Polymaker Polylite PLA – A top brand praised for its clarity, low friction, and glossy prints. Less brittle than most clear PLAs.
  • MatterHackers Pro PLA Clear – A consistent performer with good layer adhesion and a competitive price. Great value choice.
  • eSUN ePC Clear – Affordable filament with decent clarity and printability. A budget option.
  • Taulman T-Glase – A non-PLA transparent thermoplastic with exceptional clarity and layer bonding. More difficult print settings.

Don’t be afraid to test different filament brands to see what works best for your specific needs and machine. Each clear PLA has its own quirks.

Dialing In Your Print Settings

Clear materials can be less forgiving of imperfect print settings. Follow these tips for ideal transparent PLA prints:

Slow Down Your Print Speed

Faster speeds can result in visible ripples, scarring, and deformation with clear filament. Slow way down to 30-40mm/s for the best clarity. This allows layers to bond cleanly without distorting or dragging.

Use Low Cooling Fan Settings

High cooling fans can cause crazing, cracking, and poor layer adhesion with transparent PLA. Turn your fan down to 30% or less. If you have cooling options, only enable the fan after 3-5 layers for optimal clarity.

Lower Your Layer Height

Thinner layers will reduce the visibility of layer lines and create a smoother surface finish. Try 0.1mm layer height or lower. You may need to adjust extrusion width and flow rate as well.

Avoid Supports Inside Models

Support material left embedded in clear prints can be almost impossible to remove without marring the surface. Design parts to avoid overhangs inside the model if possible.

Enable Retraction

Stringing is very visible in clear prints. Dial in retraction of 4-6mm to prevent stringing and blobs inside your part.

Add An Air Purifier

Minimize workshop dust to reduce contaminants and bubbles in transparent filament. A HEPA air purifier can dramatically improve print clarity.

Dry Filament For Better Flow

Nylon and other filaments are known to absorb moisture, but even PLA can be affected. Drying clear filament for 4-8 hours before printing can prevent popping and flow issues.

Advanced Clear PLA Printing Tips

Advanced Clear PLA Printing Tips

Once you’ve mastered the basics, try these advanced techniques for even higher quality clear 3D prints:

Slow Speed for Outlines – Drop outer shell speed to 20-25% to really smooth the surface side walls.

Random Start Points – This avoids layer seams from lining up and becoming visible.

Infill Before Walls -clears more oozing before printing visible outer shells. Requires good retraction.

Reduce Extrusion Width – Like thinner layer heights, narrower extrusion lines hide layer visibility. Try 0.32-0.36mm.

Coasting – Stop extrusion just before the end of toolpaths to prevent oozing with retraction disabled.

Wet Sanding – Lightly sanding with fine grit sandpaper/polishing pads can smooth layer lines and improve clarity. Be cautious not to create scratches. Consider a final UV resin coating for depth and gloss.

Troubleshooting Clear PLA Issues

Here are some common challenges and solutions for crystal clear 3D printing:

Cloudy Prints – Dry filament, increase nozzle temp by 5-10C, slow down, lower layer height. Ensure bowden tubes have no gaps allowing bubbles.

Brittle Layers – Dry filament, raise temps, increase extrusion width. Reduce fan speeds and speed up cooling after print.

White Specks – May indicate moisture in filament. Dry thoroughly and replace filament. Improve workshop dust control.

Stringing – Increase retraction distances and/or lower nozzle temperature in 5C increments.

Warping – Use a heated bed, 60-70C for PLA. Enclose printer to prevent drafts.

Visible Layer Lines – Lower layer height, reduce print speeds, randomize start points. Lightly sand or coat if needed.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with temperatures, cooling, speeds, retraction, and slicer settings like coasting and wipe to dial in transparency. Take notes on what works – every printer and filament combination will have its own “clear” sweet spot.

Print Ideas for Clear PLA

Once mastered, clear filament opens up many cool modeling possibilities:

  • Decorative vases, cups, holiday ornaments
  • Board game pieces like chess pawns
  • Cosplay armor pieces like helmets and breastplates
  • Phone cases or tech gadget enclosures
  • Miniature terrain with embedded LEDs for tabletop gaming
  • Candle holders and jack-o-lanterns
  • Scientific models of organs and anatomy
  • Botanical prints of leaf venation and flower structures
  • Fractal art sculptures and geometric patterns
  • Light fixtures and lamp covers
  • Mechanical prints to show internal mechanisms

Don’t be limited by these examples – clear PLA allows you to re-imagine traditional objects with a stunning transparent appearance.

Achieve Crystal Clarity with Clear PLA

Printing transparent models requires care and the right techniques, but the results enable eye-catching designs not possible with opaque filament. With quality clear PLA, the right print settings, and a little patience, you can produce stunning see-through prints that look like glass.

Whether you’re prototyping products, creating art pieces, or making decorative prints, give clear filament a try for your next 3D printing project. Follow these tips to troubleshoot issues with clouding, cracking, and print quality. Once mastered, you’ll be amazed by the glass-like creations possible with optically clear materials.

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