Get the Most Out of Your Anycubic Photon with Photon Workshop

Get the Most Out of Your Anycubic Photon with Photon Workshop

The Anycubic Photon is an incredibly popular resin 3D printer that delivers high-quality prints with its LCD-based stereolithography technology. But to really unlock the full potential of your Photon, you need the right software – and that’s where Photon Workshop comes in.

Photon Workshop is the official slicer software from Anycubic specifically designed for their resin printers. In this in-depth guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get up and running with Photon Workshop to slice models and generate supports for successful prints on your Anycubic Photon.

Overview of Photon Workshop’s Capabilities

As the dedicated software for Anycubic’s LCD resin printers, Photon Workshop has all the features and functionality you need to prepare and optimize models for the Photon. Here’s an overview of what you can do with Photon Workshop:

  • Import and slice .STL and .OBJ files
  • Automatically generate supports
  • Full control over support settings like density and shape
  • Edit models directly in the workspace
  • Dynamic slicing preview and estimation of resin usage
  • Customizable print settings like layer height and exposure times
  • Multi-model printing and combining models on the build plate
  • Robust file repair and cleanup tools
  • Supports WiFi and USB connectivity to the printer
  • Remote monitoring of prints
  • Reliable slicing algorithm optimized for Anycubic LCD printers

Whether you’re new to resin printing or a pro user looking to push your Photon’s limits, Photon Workshop gives you everything needed for high-quality results.

Key Benefits of Using Photon Workshop

There are a few key advantages that make Photon Workshop the best choice for Anycubic Photon users:

Optimized for Anycubic Printers

Since it’s developed by Anycubic themselves, Photon Workshop’s slicing and settings are perfectly dialed in for their printer models. The profiles and support generation settings produce great results on the Photon without the need for much tweaking or trial-and-error.

Automatic Supports and Editing

Photon Workshop makes generating supports easy – just load a model and it will automatically place supports based on your chosen settings and orientation. The editing tools also allow you to manually add, remove or reposition supports with a simple click-and-drag interface.

Reliable Slicing and Print Settings

Getting perfect slices with properly calculated exposure times can require a lot of experimentation if using generic slicers. But Photon Workshop takes out the guesswork and provides print settings tailored for Anycubic resin printers.

Remote Monitoring and Control

The built-in camera feed and remote print controls allow you to easily monitor and manage your Photon from your computer. This is handy for checking in on longer prints.

Repair Tools

Photon Workshop has great utilities for repairing models with errors or issues with the meshes. This helps ensure your models are ready for smooth slicing and printing.

For Anycubic Photon owners, having these specialized tools makes all the difference for an easier printing experience.

How to Get Started with Photon Workshop

If you just got your first resin printer, don’t worry – getting up and running with Photon Workshop is straightforward. Just follow these steps:

1. Download and Install the Software

Head to the official Anycubic site to download the latest version of Photon Workshop for Windows, Mac or Linux. Install the software by following the on-screen instructions.

2. Connect Your Anycubic Photon

Make sure your Photon is powered on and connected to your computer with the included USB cable. Photon Workshop will automatically detect the printer.

3. Orient and Slice Your Model

Import your .STL 3D model file into Photon Workshop. Position, rotate or scale your model as needed on the build plate. Then click “Slice” to have supports automatically generated and the model sliced into layers based on your chosen print settings.

4. Save Your Photon File

Once slicing is complete, save your model as a .photon file. This contains all the layer, support and print data ready to load onto the printer.

5. Transfer to Printer and Start Print

Save the .photon file onto an SD card or USB stick, insert into your printer, and you’re ready to start your print!

The software makes printing as simple as that workflow. But let’s dig into the specific features and settings to help you get the highest quality results.

In-Depth Guide to Using Photon Workshop

Now that you have the basics down, let’s look at how to use all the key features and functionalities within the Photon Workshop software:

How to Get Started with Photon Workshop

Importing and Repairing Models

Photon Workshop supports importing common 3D model files like .STL and .OBJ. Click the “Add” button and select your model file to load it into the workspace.

Once loaded, you can use the repair tools under the “Edit” menu to automatically or manually fix model errors like holes, messed up faces or inverted normals. Repairing models helps avoid print failures down the line.

Orienting and Positioning

Use the Move, Rotate and Scale tools to get your model oriented perfectly on the build plate. Having the correct orientation is crucial for generating good supports and avoiding suction forces that can warp parts of the print.

Pay attention to overhangs and islands in your model – these will need ample supports for the best detail. Photon Workshop makes it easy to view layer previews as you position your model.

Slicing and Supports

Once oriented, click “Slice” to have the software analyse your model geometry and automatically generate support structures. The default Medium density setting provides a good starting point.

Review the layer preview and tweak the support settings as needed based on your model. Increase Density for more supports or modify the Contact Depth/Z Distance to adjust how close supports touch the model. Adding manual supports is easy with the dedicated support tools.

Print Settings

Photon Workshop has preconfigured print profiles based on your printer model. But you can fully customize settings like layer height, bottom layer count, exposure times, retract speeds and more under the “Settings” tab.

Dialing in these settings for your specific resin can help maximize print quality so don’t be afraid to experiment. Refer to Anycubic’s resin printing guide for details on key settings.

Slicing and Saving File

Once you have your model oriented with the right supports and settings, finalize the slicing process. This will analyze every layer, generate the full printable file, and estimate resin usage.

Finally, save your file as a .photon format. Make sure to save to a location you can access later like external media or cloud storage.

Printer Connectivity and Monitoring

Photon Workshop provides both WiFi and USB connectivity options to link with your Anycubic Photon. Connect wirelessly to enable remote monitoring directly from the software.

The video feed lets you check on prints in real-time. You can also use the controls to remotely pause, stop or cancel a print job as needed – no need to go over the printer itself.

Multi-Part and Multi-Model Printing

A handy productivity feature is the ability to import and combine multiple models on the build plate. Just load additional models and position as desired.

When slicing, you can choose to save the combined layout as a single .photon file. This allows printing all models in one go.

Tips for Successful Prints

To get great results out of Photon Workshop, keep these tips in mind:

  • Always repair models before slicing to avoid print errors
  • Use ample supports particularly under overhangs and islands
  • Experiment with print settings like layer height and exposure for your resin
  • Check the layer preview to spot potential issues before printing
  • Enable WiFi monitoring to check prints from your computer
  • Update firmware and Photon Workshop regularly for enhancements

Taking the time to learn Photon Workshop’s features will pay off with smooth prints and exceptional quality out of your Anycubic Photon.

Photon Workshop Updates Bring New Features

Anycubic actively develops Photon Workshop with significant updates rolled out on a regular basis. Staying current with the latest version ensures you get access to all the new features and improvements.

Some of the most impactful recent updates have added handy functionality like:

  • Hollowing – Automatically hollow models to reduce resin usage for larger prints. Includes options to easily add drain and injection holes.
  • Validation Matrix – New model diagnosis utility helps identify and fix potential print issues. Great for troubleshooting failures.
  • Auto Supports in Islands – Improved support generation specifically helps better support isolated islands in models.
  • Quantum Leap Optimization – Reworked photon exposure optimization and anti-aliasing algorithms deliver noticeable print quality enhancements.
  • Mixed Supports – Ability to combine light and medium density supports in one print for lower material use and easier removal.
  • Projected Time Estimates – Prints now show projected time remaining based on the model size and settings.
  • Improved Connectivity – More reliable USB and WiFi printing connectivity with expanded wireless support.

Staying on top of updates allows you to take advantage of all the new capabilities added to the already feature-packed Photon Workshop.

Get Involved with the Photon Community

One of the great benefits of the Anycubic Photon’s popularity is the vibrant community of users always willing to share tips, prints, and advice.

Connecting with other Photon owners can provide guidance as you get started with resin printing. /r/AnycubicPhoton on Reddit is a particularly great resource.

Here you can find help troubleshooting print issues, settings recommendations for various resins, advice on maintenance, and see the amazing creations being printed on the Photon.

The Photon community represents the best of 3D printing with users always happy to help new owners get the most out of the printer and Photon Workshop software.

Unlock Your Photon’s Potential with Photon Workshop

As the dedicated slicer and control software for Anycubic Photon printers, Photon Workshop unlocks the full capabilities of this legendary resin printer.

With features tailored specifically for the Photon like automatic supports, optimized profiles, repair tools, and remote monitoring, you get a smooth and easy printing experience.

Learning to master Photon Workshop’s settings provides the key to exceptional print quality. And staying updated with the latest features ensures you have access to helpful new enhancements.

If you’re looking to step up your resin printing, Photon Workshop gives you the specialized tools you need for success. Let the software guide you to prints showcasing the impressive precision and detail your Anycubic Photon is capable of.