Is Super Slicer the New King of 3D Printing Slicers

Is Super Slicer the New King of 3D Printing Slicers

The world of 3D printing is constantly evolving, with new software tools emerging to improve the user experience. One relative newcomer that has been generating buzz in the community is SuperSlicer – an open-source slicer based on PrusaSlicer. In this in-depth guide, we’ll take a close look at SuperSlicer to see how it stacks up against established slicers like Cura and PrusaSlicer.

What is Super Slicer and How Does it Work?

Super Slicer is a 3D printing slicer program created in 2018 by developers from the PrusaSlicer community. It takes the core functionality of PrusaSlicer and builds upon it with additional features and customization options.

Like all slicers, SuperSlicer takes 3D models and converts them into instructions for your 3D printer. This process is known as “slicing” because it divides the model into horizontal layers based on your print settings. These layers are then printed one on top of the other to create the final print.

Some of the key features of SuperSlicer include:

  • Open source software with an active community of developers
  • Compatible with most desktop FDM/FFF printers
  • Intuitive interface for configuring print settings
  • Detailed print previews to visualize the slicing process
  • Extensive customization options for fine-tuning prints
  • Supports common 3D file formats like STL, OBJ, 3MF
  • Ability to add custom G-code scripts and post-processing
  • Regular updates and new features added often

Overall, SuperSlicer aims to provide an advanced slicing experience while remaining easy enough for beginners to use effectively. The open-source development model allows features to be added rapidly based on user feedback.

How Does SuperSlicer Compare to Cura?

Cura is developed by Ultimaker and is one of the most popular slicers, especially for beginners. As a commercial package, Cura has a more polished look and feel than the open-source SuperSlicer. However, SuperSlicer gives users more control over fine details in exchange for a bit more complexity.

Ease of Use

Cura generally wins for overall ease of use and simplicity. The interface is clean and intuitive, with preset profiles for common printers and filaments. SuperSlicer has a steeper learning curve due to the wide array of customization options.

Print Quality

Both Cura and SuperSlicer can produce excellent quality prints when dialed in properly. Cura may have an edge for complete beginners, while SuperSlicer offers more control for tweaking to get the best possible prints.


SuperSlicer can have faster slicing speeds, especially on more powerful computers. The simplified interface of Cura also contributes to quick slicing. For basic prints, speeds are comparable between the two.


This is where SuperSlicer really shines. It provides significantly more settings for fine-tuning extrusion widths, speeds, retractions, and much more. Cura has decent customization, but SuperSlicer takes it to another level.


As commercial software, Cura generally offers better official support resources like documentation and tutorials. SuperSlicer relies on its community, so support may be scattered across discussion forums and GitHub issues.


Cura is free to download and use, while also offering a paid “Cura Connect” subscription for enterprise users. SuperSlicer is entirely open-source and free for everyone.

Overall, Cura is likely the better choice for beginners who want great results with minimal fuss. Enthusiasts who wish to finely calibrate every aspect of prints will gravitate to SuperSlicer’s expansive customization toolkit.

How Does SuperSlicer Compare to PrusaSlicer?

Given its origins from PrusaSlicer, you may be wondering how SuperSlicer compares to its parent software. In many ways, they remain quite similar under the hood. However, SuperSlicer has diverged over time to offer functionality beyond PrusaSlicer.


SuperSlicer inherits the core features of PrusaSlicer and improves upon them in areas like speed, stability, and customization. Exclusive additions include mesh manipulation, customizable supports, and more.

Print Quality

Default print quality is nearly identical between the two slicers. Experienced users may get slightly better optimization with SuperSlicer’s advanced settings.

Ease of Use

The interface design is very similar, though SuperSlicer now has darker color schemes available. Both remain fairly technical slicers that appeal more to prosumers than beginners.


SuperSlicer expands PrusaSlicer’s already stellar customization with even more granular settings control and experimental features from its active development community.

Hardware Support

PrusaSlicer remains focused on Prusa’s own printers, so supports them best. SuperSlicer aims for broader hardware support, but some more exotic printers may not be compatible.


SuperSlicer’s open development model allows it to iterate and release updates faster than PrusaSlicer. New features and fixes come to SuperSlicer first.

Overall, SuperSlicer takes PrusaSlicer to the next level while remaining true to its roots. Users comfortable with one slicer should find it easy to switch to the other. SuperSlicer offers a more bleeding edge experience for those seeking the latest innovations.

Key Benefits and Features of SuperSlicer

Key Benefits and Features of SuperSlicer

Now that we’ve compared SuperSlicer to other popular options, let’s take a deeper look at what makes it stand out:

Powerful Customization

SuperSlicer gives you incredible control over every aspect of the slicing process through its advanced settings. While this can overwhelm new users, experienced makers appreciate the ability to finely tune:

  • Layer heights, widths, and dimensions
  • Print speed, acceleration, jerk control
  • Temperature, retraction, and much more

Modifying these settings can improve prints by reducing stringing, warping, layer misalignment, and other issues.

Mesh Manipulation

Through plugins, SuperSlicer enables manipulating STL models right within the slicer. You can cut models into pieces, mirror or duplicate sections, and repair errors in the original mesh. This saves tremendous time compared to editing models externally before slicing.

Variable Layer Heights

By varying layer heights intelligently, you can improve detailed areas while speeding up less complex regions. SuperSlicer makes it easy to define variable layer schemes to optimize print time and quality.

Custom Supports

SuperSlicer includes advanced support blocking, branching, and placement options for greater control over auto-generated supports. Supports can be tuned for easy removal while preventing surface defects.

G-code Editor and Scripting

Expert users can directly edit the G-code toolpaths output by SuperSlicer. Adding custom gcode scripts enables advanced post-processing like filament changes, embedded commands, and more.

Active Development Community

Development is rapid with new features and fixes implemented quickly based on user feedback. The open beta channel provides early access to the latest innovations.

Cross-Platform Support

SuperSlicer works on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux with the same features across all platforms. The project maintains consistent quality and performance across operating systems.

Getting Started with SuperSlicer

Ready to start using this powerful slicer yourself? Getting SuperSlicer set up is fairly straightforward:

1. Download Installer

Head to the SuperSlicer website and download the latest installer for your operating system. Installation is seamless on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

2. Add Printers

Open SuperSlicer and click “Add” in the Printers section. Pick your 3D printer model and enter the nozzle/bed dimensions to profile your machine.

3. Import Models

Click “Add” in the Files section. You can import STL, OBJ, 3MF, and other standard 3D model files. Position, scale, and orient the models as desired.

4. Select Print Settings

Move to the Print Settings tab to choose your filament material, quality/speed presets, supports, and other options. Start with a preset profile, then tweak as needed.

5. Preview and Slice

Review layer heights, speeds, material usage, and travel moves in the preview. When ready, click “Slice Now” to generate the final G-code toolpaths for printing.

6. Export G-code

You can save the sliced G-code file locally or upload it directly to your printer host software like OctoPrint. Then start your print!

Don’t be afraid to experiment with all the settings as you get comfortable with SuperSlicer’s capabilities. Checking forum discussions and documentation can help demystify advanced features.

SuperSlicer Community Tips and Tricks

SuperSlicer has an active community full of experts who share their tips for getting the most out of this slicer. Here are some pro techniques to try:

  • Slow down outer perimeters for cleaner visible surfaces
  • Adjust extrusion widths and overlap percentages to reduce stringing
  • Use sequential printing for easier color changes mid-print
  • Enable “fuzzy skin” to hide z-seams and imperfections
  • Customize support patterns and interfaces for easier removal
  • Dial in cooling settings like fan speeds for bridging and overhangs
  • Experiment with variable layer heights to optimize detailed regions
  • Install community plugins for mesh analysis and repairs
  • Add custom end gcode scripts for filament retract and print finishing
  • Back up and share your full configuration profiles to replicate results

Learning from the collective wisdom of experienced SuperSlicer users can help you master this tool much faster. The official forums are a great place to ask questions and find proven techniques.

Is SuperSlicer Right For You?

SuperSlicer brings professional-level slicing capabilities to desktop 3D printing. The extensive controls it offers can be overwhelming for true beginners, who may be better served by Cura or Ultimaker’s simplified interface.

However, makers who want to fully customize their print results will find SuperSlicer invaluable. Once you learn to leverage its advanced settings and community knowledge, SuperSlicer helps you achieve a new level of print optimization.

The latest features and rapid updates also make SuperSlicer a great choice for 3D printing power users. If you want access to cutting edge slicing technology, SuperSlicer delivers with its open development approach.

SuperSlicer has firmly established itself as a top-tier slicer in the 3D printing world. Give the free trial a spin to see if its advanced tools can take your prints to the next level!