Optimizing 3D Print Speed for Faster, High-Quality Prints

Optimizing 3D Print Speed for Faster High-Quality Prints

3D printing technology has exploded in popularity in recent years, with more accessible and affordable desktop 3D printers entering the consumer market. As 3D printing becomes mainstream, users are looking to produce models and prototypes more quickly without sacrificing print quality. Understanding how to optimize print speed is essential for efficient 3D printing workflow.

What is Print Speed in 3D Printing?

In 3D printing, print speed refers to the speed at which the print head moves while depositing material onto the build platform. It is measured in millimeters per second (mm/s). Slower print speeds allow more time for layers to cool and harden before the next layer is deposited, resulting in better layer adhesion. Faster print speeds can lead to defects like layer separation, warping, and stringing.

Print speed is one of the key factors determining total print time along with layer height and infill percentage. By adjusting these settings, users can find the optimal balance between print speed and quality for their specific models and printer capabilities.

Key Factors Affecting Optimal Print Speed

There are several important factors that determine the maximum printable speed for a given 3D print:

Printer Hardware Capabilities

Hardware factors like print head design, maximum hotend temperature, and firmware motion control all affect how fast the printer can reliably deposit material. Desktop FDM printers typically allow print speeds between 30-200 mm/s while industrial printers may reach over 1,000 mm/s. Always check manufacturer recommendations.

Filament Properties

The specific 3D printing filament used has a major influence. Materials like PLA can be printed faster than more flexible materials like TPU which require slower print speeds. Density, melt flow characteristics, cooling behavior, and shore hardness all impact performance at high speeds.

Model Geometry

Smaller models with fine details require slower print speeds than larger, simpler designs. Parts with steep overhangs or bridging also require slower speeds to prevent defects. Adaptive speed settings in slicers help account for this by reducing speed only where necessary.

Layer Height

Using thicker layers allows higher print speeds since less layers need to be deposited. A 0.2mm layer height can be printed faster than a 0.1mm height while maintaining accuracy. Thinner layers need slower speeds for proper fusion between layers.

Infill Percentage

Models with lower infill percentages can be printed faster than completely solid objects since less material needs to be extruded on each layer. A 20% infill can be printed quicker than a 60% infill given the reduced number of infill lines being printed.


Effective cooling is critical to achieve faster print speeds. Better cooling allows the deposited material to rapidly solidify before the next layer is added. Cooling fans, heat sinks, and optimized airflow greatly improve high speed printing.

Finding the Optimal Print Speed

Determining the best print speed for your specific application requires testing and tweaking within the constraints of your 3D printer hardware. There are some general speed guidelines to start with:

  • Perimeter/Outer Shell: 30-50 mm/s optimal for accurate surfaces. Can be increased if cooling is sufficient.
  • Infill: 60-100 mm/s or more since appearance is not critical. Faster infill speeds significantly reduce print times.
  • Small Perimeters: 20-40 mm/s for small details and fiddly bits. Slower improves accuracy.
  • Top/Bottom Layers: 40-60 mm/s for good adhesion between solid layers.
  • Bridges: 20-40 mm/s to prevent sagging or deformation on unsupported spans.
  • Travel Moves: Can be over 150 mm/s since no material is deposited during travel between sections. Minimizes travel time.

These provide only a rough starting point and ratios between the different print regions. You will need to fine tune for your specific 3D printer hardware, chosen material, model geometry, environmental factors, and application requirements.

Finding the Optimal Print Speed

Dialing In Optimal Print Profiles

Finding the best combinations of settings for print speed and quality takes experimentation and experience in 3D printing. Here are some recommendations when dialing in profiles:

  • Start slow then increase speed: Begin with manufacturer recommended speeds then incrementally increase once a baseline is established. This prevents defects and allows tuning.
  • Focus on perimeters: Optimize perimeter speeds first since they are most critical for appearance. Infill can be sped up as needed after.
  • Try speed towers: Vary print speed over the height of a tall tower object to identify optimal speeds for each extrusion type. Examine results at different heights to choose settings.
  • Consider model geometry: Account for complex shapes needing lower speeds. Use adaptive speed controls or custom GCode to set variable speeds.
  • Watch first layers: Pay close attention to first layer adhesion and accuracy when increasing initial print speeds. A poor foundation compromises the entire print.
  • Examine end results: Closely check final prints for visible defects like ringing, oozing, warping and layer splits. Adjust speed accordingly.
  • Check mechanical stability: Ensure the motion system remains stable and does not exhibit resonance effects or lost steps at higher velocities. Reduce speeds if mechanical issues appear.

Advanced Speed Optimization Techniques

Once you have a stable baseline print speed dialed in, there are more advanced tweaks to try shaving off additional print time:

Acceleration/Jerk Control

High acceleration allows the print head to get up to speed quickly, minimizing time spent accelerating between moves. Jerk controls the rate of change in acceleration, reducing vibration. Careful tuning prevents print artifacts.

Variable Layer Heights

Using thicker layers where surface finish is not critical selectively speeds up less important regions. Keep thin layers for visible surfaces.

Fixed Outer Perimeters First

Printing all outer perimeters in a fixed order first allows other inner prints to occur at faster speeds since surface finish is already completed.

Modifying Infill Patterns

Some infill patterns like cubic subnets can be printed faster than linear or zig-zag while retaining strength. Diffusion-style infill is also faster to print.

Reducing Perimeter Overlaps

Minimizing the overlap between inner and outer perimeters reduces unnecessary movements for faster prints.

Printing Multiple Parts Together

Grouping multiple objects together lets non-printing travel happen while parts print, instead of between them. Close alignment is required.

Optimizing Build Plate Layout

Arranging parts optimally on the build plate minimizes nozzle travel distance between components. Utilize build plate space efficiently.

Heated Build Chambers

Enclosed chambers allow heating the entire build area, which improves layer adhesion and enables higher print speeds with better stability.

Maintaining Print Quality at Speed

The most difficult aspect of high-speed 3D printing is preserving print accuracy, surface quality, and structural integrity. Here are some tips:

  • Maintain consistent filament diameter and loading/unloading to prevent extrusion variations.
  • Use a direct drive extruder for responsive, accurate filament control.
  • Implement a high-quality hotend with efficient heating and heatbreak to avoid clogs.
  • Optimize cooling with axial fans directing air right at the nozzle and printed layers.
  • Enable fan speed and cooling overrides in firmware for adaptive cooling.
  • Use a well-tuned motion control system capable of high accelerations without losing steps.
  • Upgrade to a 32-bit control board with high processor speed for fast, smooth printing.
  • Isolate the printer from vibrations using damping feet or heavy bases to reduce resonance artifacts.
  • Design models with printing speed in mind. Avoid tiny details and severe overhangs.
  • Select materials suited for high-speed printing like PLA. More exotic filaments often require slower speeds.

Achieving Faster Print Times

3D printing involves many tradeoffs between print speed, quality, strength, and accuracy. Finding the best combinations of settings for your printer and application is a process of careful tuning and experimentation. Optimizing print speeds allows efficiently producing accurate parts, enabling more iterations and faster design development.