PrusaSlicer 2.6: Organic Supports, Text Embossing, Cut Tool and More Game-Changing Features for 3D Printing

PrusaSlicer 2.6 Game-Changing Features for 3D Printing

PrusaSlicer 2.6 has been released, bringing some major upgrades that will change the 3D printing game. The open-source slicing software developed by Prusa Research now boasts incredibly clever organic supports, text embossing capabilities, a new cut tool and more features to take your prints to the next level.

In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the key new capabilities of PrusaSlicer 2.6 and show you how to make the most of them. Whether you’re new to 3D printing or a seasoned pro, you’ll learn how this powerful software can help you achieve incredible print quality with ease. Let’s get started!

Overview of PrusaSlicer 2.6 Key Features

PrusaSlicer 2.6 comes packed with new features both big and small. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Organic Supports – These new cleverly-generated supports conform to the model shape for quick and easy removal.
  • Text Embossing – Easily add embossed text elements right in the slicer.
  • Cut Tool – New tool to cut models into separate parts pre-slicing.
  • Ironing Improvements – Better surface quality on top layers.
  • Adaptive Layers – Vary layer height to optimize print time and quality.
  • Manual Supports Editing – Fine tune auto-generated supports.
  • 5 Color Palette – Expanded color options for multi-extruder setups.
  • XY Compensation – Account for bed leveling in first layers.
  • And much more! – PrusaSlicer 2.6 also brings countless smaller tweaks.

Now let’s take a deeper look at some of the most impressive capabilities that will really make your 3D prints shine.

Clever Organic Supports in PrusaSlicer 2.6

One of the biggest pain points in 3D printing is support removal. Standard auto-generated supports often leave behind marks on the print surface when removed. But with PrusaSlicer 2.6’s new Organic Supports, support removal becomes a breeze!

These new supports are generated based on the model topology, conforming to the shape for quick and easy removal. Rather than simple vertical columns, organic supports use sloping branches reminiscent of trees. This more complex branching structure is also stronger than traditional supports.

Organic supports currently work with PLA, PETG, and ABS filaments. To enable them, just select “Organic” as the support material option and adjust the overhang angle as desired. The newly optimized algorithm will take care of the rest, generating clever supports you can quickly snap away after printing without damaging the surface finish.

Elevate Prints with Text Embossing

PrusaSlicer 2.6 now makes it incredibly easy to add embossed text elements directly in the slicer software. This allows customizing prints with labels, logos, serial numbers and more.

To use text embossing, head to the newly added Text Shapes section. Here you can enter text, customize font, size and other parameters. The text will emboss into the print surface at the height specified.

Text embossing works with single line text or multiple lines. You can also combine text with other CAD model geometry. The text itself will print at zero infill, saving material.

With PrusaSlicer 2.6’s text embossing, adding customized text elements is as easy as a few clicks. Take branding and personalization possibilities to the next level!

Streamlined Model Prep with New Cut Tool

PrusaSlicer 2.6 brings a handy new Cut tool that lets you easily split models into separate parts right in the slicer interface. This makes prep work for multi-material and multi-color prints much smoother.

The Cut tool is located under the new Arrange menu. Here you can define a plane to cut the model along, generating two separate objects. An adjustable slider lets you fine tune the cut position.

Once cut, the objects can be arranged and assigned to different extruders as needed for multi-material printing. The Cut tool eliminates the need for manually splitting models in external CAD software before slicing.

For multi-part assemblies and printing with soluble supports, the Cut tool is an indispensable timesaver. No more fiddly model prep – just slice and print!

Dial In Ironing Settings for Superior Top Layers

Ironing has been one of PrusaSlicer’s standout features for creating smooth print surfaces. PrusaSlicer 2.6 takes ironing to the next level with expanded controls.

Located under the new Ironing subsection, you can now finely tune the temperature, speed, flow rate and pattern spacing for ironing. This allows really dialing in the optimal settings for your particular filament, dial, and print.

The ironing interface also now estimates the expected print time impact of enabling ironing. This lets you easily weigh the smooth surface finish versus print duration.

For prints where the top surface finish really matters, like decorative pieces and functional parts, ironing is a must-try feature in PrusaSlicer 2.6. The expanded settings take the guesswork out of getting perfect overhangs and top layers.

Adaptive Layer Height for Balanced Quality and Speed

PrusaSlicer’s adaptive layers feature, which varies layer height across the print, has also gained enhancements in version 2.6. This intelligent tool optimizes prints by using thinner layers only where needed.

Now in PrusaSlicer 2.6, adaptive layers integrates with variable layer speeds. This means layer print speeds will automatically speed up when layer height increases, and slow down for detailed sections with thinner layers.

The coordinated layer height and speed changes keep print head acceleration consistent, dramatically reducing print artifacts. Prints optimize for speed and quality automatically with no input needed.

Adaptive layers offers the best of both worlds – quality where it counts, and speed for less detailed areas. Take advantage of this set-and-forget feature for balanced prints.

Manual Support Editing for Total Control

While automatic support generation works great, sometimes fine-tuned placement and support settings are needed for complex overhangs. PrusaSlicer 2.6 allows this with the new manual supports editor.

Located under the Print Settings > Supports menu, the editor lets you add, delete and modify individual supports. Tweak overhang threshold, size, angles and more for supports requiring special attention.

The ability to manually review and alter supports opens up new possibilities. Dial in tricky overhangs by adjusting support height, size and angles right in the slicer interface without having to restart.

For full control over support placement to minimize material use and print time, check out the upgraded supports editor in PrusaSlicer 2.6.

5 Color Palette Expand Multi-Material Potential

With multi-material 3D printers now widely available via the Prusa MK3S+ and others, users have been hungry for expanded color capabilities in PrusaSlicer. Version 2.6 delivers with a 5 color palette.

Located in the expanded Filament Settings interface, you can now assign 5 distinct filament presets. Multi-extruder printing is fully supported, allowing mixing and matching filament types.

The larger color palette enables new possibilities like full-color prints by mixing basic primaries, multi-material components, soluble supports, and even custom color mixes by varying filament ratios.

Take your multi-material printing to the next level with the expanded color options in PrusaSlicer 2.6. The 5-slot filament palette opens up a wider range of advanced applications.

Compensate for Uneven Beds with XY Compensation

Getting those crucial first layers just right is key for print adhesion. PrusaSlicer 2.6 makes it easier with the addition of XY Compensation. This new feature accounts for an uneven print bed when generating the first layer GCode.

Located under Print Settings > Layers and perimeters, XY compensation uses your bed level data to adjust the GCode z-height across the first layer. This compensates for dips or high spots in the bed leveling.

The result is a perfectly smooth first layer adherence, even if the bed itself isn’t perfectly flat. Take the frustration out of first layer calibration and get prints sticking right away.

For printers with automatic bed leveling capability, XY compensation is an essential PrusaSlicer 2.6 feature to take advantage of your leveling data for flawless first layer performance.

PrusaSlicer 2.6 Level Up Your Print Quality and Capabilities

PrusaSlicer 2.6: Level Up Your Print Quality and Capabilities

With powerful capabilities like organic supports, text embossing, 5 color printing and more, PrusaSlicer 2.6 takes your 3D printing possibilities to the next level. Both new users and veterans will find features to enhance their print quality, customization and workflow.

Upgrading to PrusaSlicer 2.6 is a no-brainer for owners of machines like the Prusa i3 MK3S+, or any printer with multi-material capability. The expanded color palette and cutting tools are perfectly suited to advanced multi-part prints.

Even for basic FDM printing, clever innovations like adaptive layers, ironing and organic supports make getting great prints easier than ever. Automate your workflow, reduce messy support removal and achieve incredible surfaces with PrusaSlicer 2.6.

To get started, download PrusaSlicer 2.6 for free from the official Prusa3D site. The open source software has versions available for Windows, Mac and Linux systems. With constant innovation from Prusa Research, we can’t wait to see how they top these features in the next release!

Try PrusaSlicer 2.6 today and take your prints to the next level.