The 15 Best OctoPrint Plugins to Enhance Your 3D Printing Experience

The 15 Best OctoPrint Plugins to Enhance Your 3D Printing Experience

OctoPrint has quickly become one of the most popular software choices for controlling and monitoring 3D printers. The open-source platform allows you to manage your 3D printer from any web browser, providing key functionality like remote control, live camera monitoring, and progress tracking.

But one of the best parts about OctoPrint is its plugin ecosystem. With over 300 plugins available, you can customize OctoPrint to suit your specific needs and take your 3D printing experience to the next level.

In this post, we’ll highlight the 15 best OctoPrint plugins that no 3D printing enthusiast should be without. Whether you’re looking to improve print quality, add new features, or enhance the user interface, these plugins have you covered.

  1. Plugin Manager

The Plugin Manager should be the first plugin you install after setting up OctoPrint. As the name suggests, it allows you to easily browse, install, configure, and manage plugins directly within OctoPrint’s web interface. The Plugin Manager gives you a central place to access the full plugin library and take control over expanding OctoPrint’s capabilities.

  1. Octolapse

Octolapse creates stunning timelapses of your 3D prints. You can fully customize the timelapse settings like frame rate, camera zoom, and rendering options. Octolapse works by taking snapshots from your print camera at set layer heights and stitching them together into a timelapse video. This plugin is a must-have for documenting and sharing your printing progress.

  1. Bed Visualizer

Getting your print bed leveled and trammed perfectly can mean the difference between a successful print and a failed one. The Bed Visualizer uses probe points across your print bed to generate a heat map visualization of the bed’s topography. This makes the leveling process much easier by pinpointing high and low areas. The mesh visualization also alerts you to any potential issues like warped beds.

  1. Cancelobject

Ever started a print and then realized a few layers in that something was very wrong? Cancelobject lets you terminate a print by sending a single gcode command from OctoPrint’s interface. This prevents you from having to dig into the printer’s onboard controls and manually stop the print mid-job. The plugin even raises the hotend and cools down the nozzle when canceling to prevent oozing or damage.

  1. Filament Manager

Keeping track of your remaining filament spools can be a hassle. The Filament Manager plugin automatically logs filament usage for each print based on the g-code and slicer settings. It subtracts the measured length from the filament spool’s total, giving you an up-to-date estimate of how much is left. No more getting caught without enough material left to finish a print!

  1. Printer Statistics

If you want to analyze the usage and performance of your 3D printer over time, the Printer Statistics plugin is invaluable. It logs aggregate data on your print jobs like total filament used, average print times, electricity consumption, and more. You can break down the stats by time periods and dive deep into the numbers to optimize your workflow.

  1. Custom Control Editor

For the tinkerers who want maximum control, the Custom Control Editor is a must. It lets you fully customize OctoPrint’s control buttons and commands to streamline your workflow. You can create your own buttons for common tasks like auto bed leveling, nozzle cleaning, filament swaps, and more. With customized controls mapped to your specific printer, printing and maintenance becomes much easier.

  1. Themeify

Don’t like OctoPrint’s default user interface and color scheme? Themeify gives you complete control to customize the look and feel. Upload your own background images, set custom colors, adjust the interface layout, and more. With dozens of user-created themes, you can make your OctoPrint instance truly unique. A perfect touch for matching your printer’s style.

  1. Telegram Notifications

Get alerts about your print progress even when you’re not at your computer. The Telegram Notifications plugin connects OctoPrint to your Telegram account. It can send messages with print updates, warnings, and completion notices. You can even monitor remotely by sending commands via Telegram chat. This plugin keeps you connected no matter where you are.

  1. Preheat Button

Preheating your nozzle and bed can be a tedious process of navigating through menus. The Preheat Button plugin cuts through the clicks and adds a simple preheat control to OctoPrint’s navbar. Click to automatically start heating to your most commonly used temperatures. One click gets you ready to print faster.

  1. Energy Monitoring

For the energy-conscious, the Energy Monitoring plugin tracks your printer’s electricity usage. It uses the power supply’s wattage specs along with print times to estimate the electrical energy consumed per print and total over time. See real data on your running costs and environmental impact. Useful for optimizing efficiency and reducing waste.

  1. PrintTimeGenius

Get smarter time estimates with PrintTimeGenius. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze your g-code and accurately predict how long a print will take. No more being surprised when a print finishes hours early or late. PrintTimeGenius also learns from past prints to improve accuracy over time. You’ll get remarkably reliable time estimates that help planning.

  1. Tabs

The Tabs plugin lets you organize your OctoPrint instance like a browser. It adds tabbed navigation so you can open multiple views in the same window. Quickly jump between the control panel, temperature graphs, G-code viewer and more in one place. Tabs reduces clutter and makes multi-tasking easier when monitoring prints.

  1. Retractions Settings

Retraction settings like speed and distance can be tricky to optimize. The Retraction Settings plugin tunes retractions automatically by analyzing temperature fluctuations in your g-code. It finds the ideal settings for your specific machine, filament, and print by minimizing stringing and oozing during retraction moves. One click for better retractions and surface finish.

  1. Display Layer Progress

Not sure exactly what layer your print is on? Display Layer Progress shows the current layer number and total layer count prominently in OctoPrint’s top navbar. No more guessing how far along your print is based on the progress bar alone. The layer tracker gives you crystal clear visibility as the layers tick by.

Unlock OctoPrint’s Full Potential with Plugins

OctoPrint provides an incredibly powerful 3D printing platform right out of the box. But the real magic happens when you augment it with plugins tailored to your needs.

The plugins above represent some of the best ways to level up your OctoPrint experience. From utility enhancements to UI customization to remote monitoring, the possibilities are endless. Considering adding a few to your OctoPrint installation today!