The Complete Guide to Ender 3 Bed Leveling

The Complete Guide to Ender 3 Bed Leveling

Getting perfect first layer adhesion on your Ender 3 3D printer starts with proper bed leveling. A unleveled bed can lead to poor quality prints, failed prints, and nozzle clogs. That’s why bed leveling is one of the most important calibration steps for Ender 3 owners.

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about leveling the bed on your Ender 3, Ender 3 Pro, Ender 3 V2, or Ender 3 S1. We’ll cover the tools you need, the best leveling patterns to use, troubleshooting tips, and popular bed leveling mods. Let’s get started!

Why Bed Leveling is Crucial for Ender 3

The Ender 3 printer uses a BuildTak-style print surface on the heated aluminum bed. This textured print surface helps prints adhere during printing. But in order for the first layer to properly “squish” onto the build plate, the nozzle gap needs to be precisely dialed in.

If the nozzle is too far from the bed, prints won’t adhere and you’ll get spaghetti strands rather than solid lines. If the nozzle is too close, you could scratch the build surface or cause nozzle clogs.

Getting the nozzle height consistently even across the entire build plate is the goal of bed leveling. When properly leveled, you should be able to slide a piece of copy paper with slight friction between the nozzle and bed. The paper will have just a hint of resistance as you move it back and forth.

Tools Needed for Bed Leveling

Leveling the Ender 3 build plate doesn’t require any fancy tools. Here are the basic items you’ll need:

  • Printer paper or copy paper
  • Included hex wrenches
  • Flashlight (optional)

The process involves raising and lowering the bed knobs while checking the nozzle clearance with paper. Simple!

Make sure your Ender 3 is fully assembled with the hotend and extruder installed. You’ll need to preheat the nozzle before leveling, so everything needs to be properly connected.

Prepare the Hotend and Bed

Follow these steps to get the printer ready for bed leveling:

  1. Turn on your Ender 3 and select “Preheat PLA” to heat up the nozzle and bed. Wait until it reaches printing temperature (200°C nozzle, 60°C bed for PLA).
  2. Clean the nozzle tip using the included needle. Make sure there are no plastic boogers blocking the opening.
  3. Place a sheet of paper on the build plate. This will be used to set the proper nozzle height.
  4. Home the print head so the nozzle is centered over the build plate. Press the control knob to auto-home if needed.

Now you’re ready to start adjusting the bed leveling knobs.

Ender 3 Bed Leveling Knobs

The Ender 3 bed is moved and adjusted using 4 thumbscrews, one under each corner. Turning these knobs clockwise raises the bed, while turning them counterclockwise lowers it.

The goal is to get each corner of the bed level with the others. Most owners use the paper method for consistent results.

Use the Paper Method for Precise Leveling

Here are the steps to level your Ender 3 bed using the paper method:

  1. Move the nozzle to the rear-left corner of the build plate.
  2. Place your sheet of paper between the nozzle and bed. You should feel slight friction as you move the paper.
  3. If the nozzle is too close, turn the knob counterclockwise to lower the bed. If it’s too far, turn clockwise to raise that corner.
  4. Make very small 1/8th turns of the knob until you achieve consistent friction on the paper.
  5. Repeat this process for the other 3 corners, moving the nozzle and adjusting height as needed.
  6. Do several passes of each corner to dial in the perfect height. Go slow and make incremental turns of the knobs.
  7. When finished, the nozzle should just barely scratch the paper as you slide it, with consistent friction around all edges.

This manual leveling method works great once you get the hang of it. Take your time and get each corner precisely adjusted.

Other Leveling Patterns to Try

Instead of only checking the 4 corners, some owners recommend a 5, 7, or 9-point leveling pattern. This ensures even bed coverage.

For a 5-point check, start with the corners as described above. Then move the nozzle to the center and check height at that location.

A 7-point check adds the midpoints of each side. And a 9-point test also includes the very center of the plate.

Use these expanded patterns if the basic 4-corner method isn’t giving you perfect first layer results. Going through all 9 points takes more time, but can really help dial in a flawless level.

First Layer Test Print for Validation

Once you’ve leveled using the paper method, it’s a good idea to test your work with an actual print.

Load some PLA filament and try printing a simple first layer test piece. This will let you validate that the leveling process was successful.

Look for these signs on your first layer test:

  • Solid lines with no gaps
  • Proper squish and flattening of the extruded plastic
  • No ripples, ridges, or waves in the lines
  • Consistent adhesion across the full print area

If the first layer doesn’t look right, you may need to re-level the bed or adjust the Z-offset. This fine-tunes the nozzle height during printing.

Troubleshooting Ender 3 Bed Leveling Issues

Troubleshooting Ender 3 Bed Leveling Issues

Bed leveling takes some practice before it becomes second nature. Here are some common problems and solutions:

Uneven first layer: Tighten down the eccentric nuts under the bed to eliminate rocking. Then re-level using a tighter pattern.

Plastic not sticking: Nozzle is too far from the bed. Adjust knobs to raise the plate, then re-level.

Nozzle drag: Nozzle is too close to the bed. Loosen knobs to lower the plate until paper friction is minimal.

Front/back tilt: Verify X-gantry is level and check that frame is square. Then adjust leveling knobs to compensate.

Filament grinding: Same as nozzle drag – the nozzle is likely too close to the bed. Back off the knobs and re-level.

Warped bed: Upgraded to a glass or mirror tile to eliminate deformation. Or add a BL Touch for automatic level compensation.

Be patient, take your time, and don’t be afraid to completely re-do the leveling process if needed. Your patience will be rewarded with perfect first layers.

Upgrading the Bed for Better Leveling

The stock build plate that comes with the Ender 3 works pretty well for PLA and PETG filaments. But some owners run into adhesion issues or bed warping over time.

Upgrading to a borosilicate glass or mirror tile bed can provide more consistent leveling and better hold on those first layers.

Glass Bed Upgrade

Glass build plates resist warping and deformation. Many owners report improved leveling after upgrading to a Creality glass bed or generic glass plate.

Make sure to pick glass that’s perfectly flat. Otherwise you’ll be fighting the same leveling battles. Any imperfections in the glass can transfer to poor first layers.

To install, simply remove the build plate and use binder clips to attach the glass to the heated bed. You may need to adjust your Z-offset and re-level the bed to account for the added thickness of glass.

Auto Bed Leveling with BLTouch

For truly hassle-free bed leveling, consider installing an automatic bed leveling probe. The BLTouch is the most popular, and works great on the Ender 3.

Here’s how auto bed leveling works:

  • BLTouch sensor mounted to nozzle assembly
  • Sensor deploys and measures bed height at leveling points
  • Software determines bed plane and makes real-time nozzle adjustments
  • Compensates for bed warp and inconsistencies

This takes the manual work out of leveling and provides perfect first layers regardless of bed shape or tilt. The initial setup takes some work, but then it’s smooth printing moving forward.

Bed Leveling Best Practices

Follow these tips and recommendations for ongoing successful bed leveling with your Ender 3:

  • Always check level before long prints or when changing filament types
  • Perform routine leveling maintenance every few weeks
  • Print upgrades like bed handles or knob locks to help maintain level
  • Check for loose bed carriage wheels or eccentric nuts
  • Upgrade to better springs to reduce wheel slipping
  • Use binder clips with glass beds for easy install and removal
  • Clean the bed surface regularly with IPA for better adhesion
  • Don’t touch the bed during printing or before it cools
  • Adjust the Z-offset incrementally to get the perfect first layer squish

Bed Leveling Your Ender 3 Doesn’t Have to be Frustrating

With the steps in this guide, you now have all the knowledge needed to get your Ender 3 bed perfectly leveled for smooth first layers every time.

Take it slow, be patient, and remember that bed leveling is a process. Your patience will be rewarded when that test print sticks down and prints like magic!

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