The Ultimate Guide to Anycubic Slicer Software

The Ultimate Guide to Anycubic Slicer Software

Anycubic’s Photon Slicer is a free software specifically designed for preparing and slicing 3D model files for printing on Anycubic’s resin-based 3D printers like the Anycubic Photon, Photon S, Photon Mono, and others. As one of the most popular budget resin 3D printer brands, having a custom slicer optimized for these machines makes perfect sense.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the features, capabilities, and use of Anycubic’s Photon Slicer software.

Overview of Anycubic Photon Slicer

Anycubic Photon Slicer is the official slicing software from Anycubic for their resin-based stereolithography (SLA) 3D printers. It’s designed to allow users to easily prepare and slice 3D models into printing instructions readable by Anycubic’s Photon series printers.

Some key things to know about Photon Slicer:

  • Completely free to download and use
  • Windows and Mac compatibility
  • Intuitive and beginner-friendly interface
  • Pre-loaded with optimized printer profiles for Anycubic printers
  • Advanced settings for experienced users
  • Supports common 3D file types like STL, OBJ, 3MF, and more
  • Allows orientation, scaling, and positioning of models
  • Automated supports and raft generation
  • Layer slicing and previewing functionality
  • Estimated print time forecasts
  • Connectivity to Anycubic printers for direct printing

Overall, Photon Slicer aims to provide a slicing solution tailored specifically for Anycubic’s printers that is easy enough for beginners but has enough customization for advanced users.

Key Features and Capabilities

Anycubic Photon Slicer comes packed with features and capabilities that enable both new and experienced users to get the most out of their Photon 3D printers. Here are some of the core features:

Pre-Loaded Printer Profiles

Photon Slicer comes pre-installed with optimized settings profiles for Anycubic’s different printer models like the Photon, Photon S, Photon Mono, etc. This makes initial setup much easier since you don’t have to tinker with dialing in settings for your specific printer.

Intuitive Slicing Interface

The slicing interface uses a simple 5-step guided process that walks you through orienting, supporting, slicing, and previewing your 3D model in an intuitive way that’s perfect for beginners. Helpful tooltips are also provided for guidance.

Model Orientation and Positioning

Photon Slicer makes it easy to move, rotate, scale, and otherwise position your model on the print platform to get the optimal orientation to minimize supports and printing time. The platform visualization shows exactly how your model will be printed.

Automatic Support Generation

Generating proper supports is crucial for resin 3D printing, and Photon Slicer handles this automatically with options to customize support thickness, shape, and density. This takes the guesswork out for new users.

Slicing and Print Preview

See exactly how your model will be printed down to each individual slice layer. The preview mode lets you visualize the slicing and supports to detect any potential issues before printing.

Custom Supports and Rafts

For advanced users, Photon Slicer provides options to manually add custom supports and rafts. You can tune everything from support diameter and tip shape to raft airgap thickness.

Editable Settings and Profiles

Tweak over 50 different settings like layer height, exposure times, infill density, lift speeds, and more to optimize for different models and printing scenarios. Profiles make it easy to save groups of settings for reuse.

Connectivity to Anycubic Printers

Photon Slicer can connect directly to Anycubic printers over USB or WiFi for seamless printing integration. This allows you to go straight from slicing to printing.

Print Time Estimates

The software provides accurate print time estimates based on the model, orientation, and slicing settings. This helps when planning larger prints.

Supports Common File Types

Import and slice STL, OBJ, 3MF, and various other common 3D model file types.

Free and Open Source

Photon Slicer is offered completely free by Anycubic and is also open source for those that want to customize or contribute to development.

How to Use Anycubic Slicer

Using Photon Slicer is straightforward enough for beginners but offers customization for more advanced users. Here is an overview of the basic workflow and settings when using Anycubic Photon Slicer:

  1. Import Your Model File: Supported files like STL, OBJ, 3MF can be imported via drag and drop or using the file browser.
  2. Position Your Model: Use the Move, Rotate, and Scale tools to properly position your model on the build platform. Try to minimize overhangs.
  3. Generate Supports: Auto-generate recommended supports or manually add custom supports where needed. Adjust the support settings as needed.
  4. Slicing Settings: Choose your printer profile then adjust settings like layer height, exposure times, lift speeds, infill density, and more.
  5. Slice Model: Click the Slice button to have Photon Slicer process your model into layer-by-layer printing instructions.
  6. Preview Print: Review the layer-by-layer preview to make sure your supports look good and there are no issues.
  7. Save as Photon File: Export the sliced model as a .photon file for printing. You can also save as an image or project file.
  8. Print! Transfer the .photon file to your printer via USB stick or WiFi and print away!

The Photon Slicer interface makes these steps easy to follow for new users while exposing more advanced settings as you gain experience. Taking the time to properly position, support, and slice your model is crucial for print success!

Anycubic Photon Slicer vs. Alternative Slicers

How to Use Anycubic Slicer

While Anycubic Photon Slicer is designed specifically for Anycubic’s printers, there are also some good alternative slicers that work with the Photon series printers:


ChiTuBox is a very popular free slicer in the resin printing community optimized for LCD printers like the Photon. It has comparable features and settings to Photon Slicer but with some unique strengths like hollow printing and anti-aliasing. Worth trying out!

Lychee Slicer

Lychee is a paid slicer but offers a free trial version. It’s known for very fast slicing speeds, intuitive supports, and a slick modern interface. The Pro version adds features like model nesting and custom G-code controls.


While mostly focused on FDM printing, PrusaSlicer has excellent auto-orientation and support generation algorithms that can be useful for resin printing too. It’s primarily geared toward advanced users though.


Slic3r is an open source slicer with advanced capabilities, but the learning curve is steep. The Prusa Edition with resin presets offers the most user-friendly experience tailored for LCD 3D printers.

So while Anycubic Photon Slicer will provide the easiest optimized experience for Photon printers, these alternatives are worth exploring as your needs advance or if you want to compare features. Most allow importing of profiles and settings from Photon Slicer as well.

Tips for Getting Great Results with Photon Slicer

Following these tips will help you get great results using Anycubic Photon Slicer:

  • Take time orienting your model optimally to minimize supports and avoid failed prints. Angle 30-45 degrees backwards is a good starting point.
  • Use heavier supports on overhanging sections and lighter supports on flatter areas. Adjust support density as needed.
  • For very small layer heights, increase exposure time gradually to compensate. Too little exposure can cause failed prints.
  • Add some holes in hollow prints so uncured resin can drain. This prevents suction issues during printing.
  • Validate layer exposure times by printing exposure calibration tests to dial in the perfect settings.
  • Update firmware and slice settings if switching between different Anycubic printer models for best results.
  • Sand and finish properly after printing for the cleanest surface finish. Wear gloves and a respirator.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different orientations, supports, and settings when slicing to learn how they impact your print! Starting with premade profiles minimizes how much you need to customize.

Where to Get Anycubic Photon Slicer

If you own an Anycubic LCD printer like the Photon series, you’ll want to download the Photon Slicer to get started with slicing and printing:

Anycubic Website

You can download the latest version of Anycubic Photon Slicer directly from the official Anycubic website. This ensures you get the most up-to-date release.

Included on SD Card

Most Anycubic printers come with a USB stick that includes the Photon Slicer software as well as other resources. Just insert into your computer and install.

GitHub Source Code

Photon Slicer is open source software, so advanced users can also download or contribute to the development of the slicer via the AnycubicGitHub page.

Be sure to occasionally check for updates to Photon Slicer as Anycubic is continually improving performance and adding new features. Enjoy the ease and quality of slices with Anycubic’s own slicer software!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Anycubic Photon Slicer work on Mac?

Yes, Photon Slicer is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems. Download the appropriate version for your OS.

Is Anycubic Photon Slicer completely free?

Yes, Photon Slicer can be downloaded and used free of charge without any restrictions or trial limits. Anycubic offers it as the official slicer for their printers.

Can I use other slicers with Anycubic printers?

Absolutely! While Photon Slicer is optimized specifically for Anycubic printers, alternative slicers like ChiTuBox, Lychee, PrusaSlicer, etc can be used as well.

Does the slicer connect to my printer wirelessly?

Yes, Photon Slicer supports wireless connectivity and printing for certain Anycubic printers over WiFi. Just enable wireless on your printer and connect.

How often is the software updated?

Anycubic typically releases quarterly updates to Photon Slicer with bug fixes and new features. Be sure to keep the software updated for best results.

Key Takeaways on Anycubic Photon Slicer

  • It’s the official free slicer software from Anycubic for their resin 3D printers
  • Provides optimized print profiles and easy supports for beginners
  • Has advanced settings and custom supports for experienced users
  • Intuitive interface guides you through positioning, slicing, and printing
  • Seamless connectivity to Anycubic printers via USB and WiFi
  • Continually updated by Anycubic with new features and enhancements
  • Great for getting started with Anycubic printers but alternatives work too

By providing a beginner-friendly but full-featured slicing experience tailored specifically for their printers, Anycubic’s Photon Slicer enables users of all levels to achieve high quality resin prints with ease.