Upgrading Ender 3 Firmware – A Step-by-Step Guide

Upgrading Ender 3 Firmware - A Step-by-Step Guide

The Ender 3 is one of the most popular entry-level 3D printers on the market today. It comes ready to print out of the box, with decent print quality for its low price point. However, upgrading the firmware can unlock the printer’s full potential and add useful new features. This guide will walk you through the entire process of updating the firmware on an Ender 3, from downloading the latest Marlin firmware to flashing it to the printer’s control board.

Why Update Firmware on an Ender 3?

While the Ender 3 works great with the default firmware, upgrading to a newer Marlin firmware version unlocks additional capabilities and improves overall performance. Here are some of the key benefits of updating Ender 3 firmware:

  • Enables more filament types – The default Ender 3 firmware only supports PLA and ABS. With an update, you can print more exotic materials like TPU, PETG, and wood PLA.
  • Adds thermal runaway protection – This safety feature prevents fire hazards by stopping the print if the nozzle or bed temperature becomes uncontrolled.
  • Improves print quality – Marlin firmware optimizations can improve print surface finish, precision, and reliability.
  • Supports additional features – Upgraded firmware lets you add capabilities like auto bed-leveling, filament runout detection, and LCD menu controls.
  • Fixes bugs – Firmware updates often fix bugs and inconsistencies found in previous versions. This leads to more predictable printing behavior.
  • Better compatibility – Newer Marlin releases improve compatibility and integration with the latest slicers, host software, and hardware add-ons.

As you can see, upgrading the firmware unlocks the Ender 3’s full potential. Even if you don’t need any advanced features right away, updating the firmware now will make adding upgrades easier down the road.

Downloading the Latest Ender 3 Firmware

The first step is to download the firmware binary (.bin) file for your Ender 3 model. Here are direct links to the latest Marlin firmware builds for the original Ender 3 and Ender 3 Pro from Creality’s website:

Alternatively, you can compile Marlin yourself for full customization options. However, this guide will focus on flashing the pre-compiled firmware from Creality.

Once downloaded, move the .bin file to a microSD card or USB flash drive to make it accessible for flashing later. The firmware file needs to be in the root (top) folder of the drive, not inside any other folders.

Should You Update Ender 3 Firmware?

Upgrading Ender 3 firmware is highly recommended, but is it mandatory? Like most things in 3D printing, the answer depends on your specific needs and situation.

For casual printing with PLA, the stock firmware is probably fine as-is. However, if you want to maximize quality, add upgrades, or print with exotic materials, updating the firmware is advised.

Here are some signs it may be time to upgrade your Ender 3’s firmware:

  • You experience random glitches, anomalies, or print quality issues that could potentially be firmware-related.
  • You want to add capabilities like auto bed leveling, all-metal hot end support, or LCD menu control.
  • You need to print with flexible filaments like TPU or specialty materials like wood PLA.
  • You want thermal runaway protection enabled for better safety.
  • You want to improve integration with updated host software or slicing programs.

If any of those apply, downloading new firmware for your Ender 3 is recommended. At minimum, upgrading provides peace of mind knowing you’re running the latest firmware release.

Should You Update Ender 3 Firmware

How to Update Ender 3 Firmware

Once you’ve downloaded the new .bin file, the process of updating firmware on an Ender 3 follows these general steps:

1. Update Creality Slicer Software (Optional)

If you use Creality’s slicer software, it’s a good idea to update it to the latest version before updating firmware. Older slicer versions may not have full compatibility with new firmware releases.

Updating the slicer is as simple as downloading the newest installer from Creality’s site and running it. This will replace your existing slicer install.

2. Prepare MicroSD Card

The new firmware file needs to be transferred to a microSD card to flash it to the printer. Insert an empty or freshly formatted microSD card into your computer. Copy ONLY the .bin firmware file directly in the root directory. Do not put it in a folder on the card.

Safely eject the microSD card and insert it into the card slot on the Ender 3’s mainboard.

3. Enter Firmware Update Mode

With the microSD card inserted, turn ON your Ender 3 printer. When the Creality logo splash screen appears, press and hold the knob until you see a message like “Firmware Updating…”

This enters firmware update mode. Keep holding the knob until the display shows a percentage counter from 0% to 100% as the new firmware is flashed.

4. Finish Updating Firmware

Once the firmware update process reaches 100%, the printer will reboot itself. The display may flicker or go blank for a few seconds – this is normal.

When the printer has restarted, remove the microSD card. The new firmware is now installed and ready to use!

Perform a test print to verify normal functioning. The printer may need to be recalibrated after a firmware update.

And that’s it! With those simple steps, your Ender 3 now has the latest Marlin firmware installed for enhanced performance and features.

Updating Ender 3 Firmware on Linux

If you prefer to flash firmware from a Linux computer, the process is very similar:

  1. Download the latest Ender 3 firmware .bin file from Creality’s site.
  2. Insert your microSD card into your Linux machine using a card reader.
  3. Copy the .bin file directly into the root of the microSD card.
  4. Safely eject the card and insert into your Ender 3.
  5. With the printer powered off, hold down the knob while turning on the power until you see “Firmware Updating…”.
  6. Keep holding the knob until the update process completes.
  7. Allow the printer to restart fully. It now has the new firmware!

The only difference is that you’ll manage the firmware file from a Linux file manager instead of Windows Explorer. The actual update process on the printer is identical.

What to Check After Updating Ender 3 Firmware

Once the new firmware is successfully installed, here are some things to verify:

  • Auto Home – Home all axes through the LCD menu and watch movement. Ensure no glitching or grinding noises.
  • Motors Function – Jog each axis and ensure smooth movement free of defects. Listen for abnormal sounds.
  • Heaters/Fans – Use LCD or host software to trigger hotend and bed heating. Verify fans spin normally.
  • Test Print – Print a calibration cube or Benchy boat model. Check for quality or dimensional issues.
  • LCD Interface – If enabled in the firmware, test new menu options like babystepping and PID tuning.
  • Motion Settings – If you changed any acceleration or jerk settings, test a fast travel move to check for lost steps or saltiness.

Take your time testing basic functions before starting critical prints. Calibrate as needed if dimensions seem off after the firmware update. And consult forums or contact support if any major issues occur.


Updating the firmware on an Ender 3 is one of the best ways to improve its performance, functionality, and safety. The process only takes a few minutes, with huge long-term benefits.

This guide walked through downloading the latest Marlin firmware build from Creality, preparing the microSD card, entering update mode, flashing the firmware, and verifying proper operation after.

With refreshed firmware, your Ender 3 will run smoother, support more materials, and integrate better with the latest software tools. Take advantage of community firmware development work by keeping your printer’s firmware up-to-date.